Story - Social Dedicated Community Investment

Learn more about our efforts on this strategic topic in the interview by our CEO, Luc Grauwet.

More than just pallets

The program operates as follows: anyone within our group can submit a proposal to support a social projects or organizations that fulfill a specific need of the community. This can be either financial support but also material (e.g. pallets, goodies), the use of our network, expertise or media channels. The CSR-team then evaluates whether the proposal meets the requirements of our program.

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More than just pallets Offering needs-based support

In the year 2022, we have supported 35 different projects and organizations, for the most part related to social support, culture and sports, in proximity of our sites in France and Belgium.

In total, we have financially supported our communities with 84.411 euro, donated over 1.000 goodies (such as notebooks, pens, hats and caps, USB sticks and charger kits) and 285 of our wooden pallets.

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Future focus Addressing child poverty

Looking to the future, we plan to gradually shift our focus in the PGS Community Investment Program towards addressing child poverty. As we continue to aim for a larger impact, this area of focus resonates with our commitment to make a real difference in the communities where we operate.

"We started with a project on child poverty in the region. Initially, we wanted to keep it local, but at a certain point, we decided that it was a powerful initiative and that we wanted to continue working on it as a group." CEO, Luc Grauwet

The Children's Opprtunities Fund

The Children's Opprtunities Fund is a social fund that we proudly support as part of our Community Investment Programme. This fund is dedicated to fighting childhood poverty in local regions in Flanders (Belgium) and focuses on children between the ages of 0 and 12 years old. Their projects are based on 4 key pillars: food, education, social development and clothing.

Learn more about their Fund in the video below.

The Children's Opprtunities Fund is a social organization that we proudly support as part of our Community Investment Programme. This fund is dedicated to fighting childhood poverty in local regions in Flanders (Belgium) and focuses on children between the ages of 0 and 12 years old. Their projects are based on 4 key pillars: nutrition, education, social development and clothing. Learn more about their Fund in the video below.


Discover further insights on our ESG goals in the stories below.

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Should you require further information or have any inquiries pertaining to our sustainability initiatives, we invite you to reach out to us at